Code of Ethics

I. General Provisions 
This Code sets out the principles and rules of conduct of any member of the Association of Psychologists in BULGARIA (APB) to ensure professional ethics, fair competition and equal treatment in the course of his work in market conditions.
Each member of АPB declares that, except to comply with the Charter and this Code.
Norms of the Code of Ethics are equally binding on all members of АPB.
In this document, any reference to the application of a provision of the Charter of АPB is referring to the provision since the last modification or introduction.
The Code of Ethics will be developed and improved to correspond most closely to social development and technological progress.
II. Relationships and relationships between members of АPB

Relations between members of the association are based on the principle of mutual trust, tolerance and ethics. 

Member of the leadership position АPB no right in any way to use this open position to receive any benefits or any benefits without the knowledge of the President of АPB led to its division.

Disputes or conflicts between members of АPB settled by priority within the association, it is necessary for each of them to show good will for dialogue and solve the problem by understanding.

If there is no understanding, each of the parties to the dispute may refer the matter to the relevant department heads.

If the heads of departments are not taking timely action to hear the case, and the actions and decisions or they do not meet the SLOPE of the disputing parties to the dispute can be sees board.

III. General terms of importance to the members of APB 

All members of APB undertake to comply with the Code of Ethics.

-Contribute to the development of human and social interaction.

-Not to cause malicious damage to other institutions or individuals.

-To be fair and honest.

-To prevent discrimination based on race, sex, religion, origin or political affiliation.

-Respect the privacy and confidentiality.

IV. Projects and funding 

In its relations with the remaining members of APB and projects received funding, members are required to behave properly in accordance with the principles of ethical and moral human behavior.

APB members should act professionally and voluntarily not to apply or require the application of practices and actions that could injure the reputation and positive image of АPB.

Revenue, which is to be utilized are not subject to suspicious transactions, transactions and customers and do not result from the acquisition of / from illegal (criminal) activity or from an act of participation in such. Revenues are allocated according to participation and labor input.

In order to preserve and maintain a professional relationship, the relationship between the President and the Registrar Coordinator members and volunteers seeking funding should be defined in a separate contract.

In order to ensure the impartiality of the members and volunteers for their participation in the activities offered by АPB their participation in the planning or execution of the operation on raising funds, increasing the capital of the association or similar may not lead to the acquisition, directly or indirectly a majority of the equity of this Association.

Information provided to members by АPB, requires them to respect confidentiality, unless otherwise stated by the President.

V. Rules and guidelines for the proper use of the Internet 

The use of the Internet to promote the events, actions, movements, etc., that are related to incitement to war, violence, racial, ethnic and national intolerance, crimes, child pornography, a violation of public order and the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria .

Prohibited incitement, aiding and carrying on any form of attack traffic on the type of flood, smurf, mail bombs, etc.. like.

Unacceptable is the use of Internet penetration in individual computers or computer networks without the express consent of the holders, irrespective of what caused such actions.

Members APB maintaining or building sites, information or other services on the Internet must not copy, publish and use information without the express consent of the owner her


Any violation of this Code of Conduct by a member of APB may cause sanctions, including his expulsion from the Association.

The Code of Ethics is subject to development and improvement.

Any suggestions for interpretation and changes in this code shall be sent in writing to the President of АPB.

Suggestions for changes and additions to the Code of Conduct signed by more than 10% of the members of АPB can be imported directly for consideration by the General Assembly.

Changes to this code may be made only General Assembly APB